Immigration under the UK Labour party

Immigration under the UK Labour party

The Rwanda Policy is gone. What’s next? “We have to clear the backlog so we can return people swiftly. That is the path, the only path, to real deterrence.” Keir Starmer It has been almost seven weeks since Keir Starmer’s Labour party swept the polls, and won an...
Tracing Decolonial Literature Through Time

Tracing Decolonial Literature Through Time

By Kiran Glass & Katja Holtz For the past eighteen months we have been working with the Northern Council for Global Cooperation on co-creating a series of workshops under the heading Alternatives to Development. The goal of the project is “to reimagine a world...
Frame45’s Top 10 Picks for 2024

Frame45’s Top 10 Picks for 2024

Looking forward to the coming year, there is so much we’re excited about. From friends and colleagues to up and comers, everyone in the migration and urbanisation space is driving the conversation forward — forging new paths and exploring new ideas.   As ever,...
A year in review

A year in review

2023. It’s been a long year and we’ve been busy. From the fourth learning exchange for the Comprehensive Refugee Response Framework (CRRF) in Koboko Uganda to the Venice Biennale, we at Frame45 have continued to challenge conventional approaches to policy,...